jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

How To Speak Spanish - 10 Key Spanish Phrases

One of several attributes most appreciated in people throughout the Hispanic world concerns being educado. This does not mean someone who owns a solid level of education rather somebody who is polite and respectful, one who treats other people civilly and decorously. Educado is really important to nearly all Spanish and Hispanic persons, and here are ten essential Spanish expressions you'll be able to sprinkle into your daily Spanish to show you know how to speak Spanish with a touch of class and to help you make a winning impression any time you're speaking Spanish with the locals.

The initial educado option is about the word gusto - pleasure. In situations when you run into friends and acquaintances for the first time, you probably already know the phrase "mucho gusto" - nice to meet you - but you can additionally use gusto when you meet somebody, with this especially courteous Spanish expression:

¡Qué gusto verte! - Good to see you


¡Hola Esteban, ¿cómo estamos hoy? - Hello Steven, how are we today?

¡Qué gusto verte Anna! Todo va bien gracias - Good to see you Anna. All is fine thank you.

A common practice that I have often noted here in the cosmopolitan city of Barcelona is that acquaintances typically greet one another with: "¿cómo estamos hoy?" or "¿Qué tal?" and rarely the more familiar "¿cómo estás?", especially involving the opposite sex.

Speaking of ¿cómo estás?, frequently when we meet friends and acquaintances, besides inquiring as to how they are we will also inquire how their family are faring besides. Most guiris and gringos will say something such as:

¿Cómo está su/tu familia? or ¿cómo está su/tu hermano/a? - How's the family or how is your brother/sister?

Those Spanish phrases are perfectly suitable of course but here's another cool Spanish phrase that is a much better option, it's just dripping with educado:

¿Qué sabes de...? Así:

¿Qué sabe usted de su familia? - How's your family?

¿Qué sabes de tu hermano/a? - How is your brother/sister?

Furthermore, we are able to expand on this to produce a knockout impression. When the speaker has responded, in English we say something such as: Give them my best or send them my regards. Desire to say this in Spanish? It's ever so simple just say:

Dale/s saludos de mi parte - Give him/her/them my best wishes

It's an exceedingly smart Spanish phrase to sprinkle to your Spanish toolkit.

Bueno, it might be that your friend or acquaintance has some fantastic news to share with you. Here's how you can respond to good news with the essential characteristic of educado:

He conseguido un trabajo nuevo - I've secured a new job

¡Felicitaciones! ¡Cuánto me alegro! - Congratulations! I'm delighted!

An additional educado Spanish expression I really like concerns replying to invitations, particularly when you cannot accept the invite since you have prior arrangements. It's essential not to cause umbrage, and although one is able say:

No puedo asistir, tengo otros compromisos - I am unable to come, I have existing appointments

I'd rather use this smart Spanish phrase which will be completely respected by native speakers:

Lo siento, no puedo, he quedado - Unfortunately I can not I'm occupied.

This is also another functional saying if you want to keep your privacy, and I know for sure this will earn you a whole lot of respect when you're speaking Spanish.

But if you want to accept, what about this little gem to not only accept but additionally to convey your delight:

¡Sí, sería genial! - Yes, that would be excellent!

I think that is a significantly better alternative than ¡qué bien! or ¡qué bueno!, yes?

In conclusion, here's another smart Spanish idiom that's bound to come in really handy. You know the way from time to time you're ambling along in a world of your own and you accidentally bump into someone? You may choose to say disculpe or perdona, both
suitable but way better is this very polite Spanish phrase:

Disculpe, sin querer - Pardon me, it was not deliberate

Introduce these Spanish idioms into your spoken Spanish and you'll make evident you have the all-important trait of educado and you'll create a attractive impression when chatting in
Spanish with Spanish and Hispanic people undoubtedly!

These excellent and practical Spanish phrases are just a few examples to help you add a touch of class to your Spanish. If you'd like to know how to speak Spanish with an authentic, vibrant flair and earn bucket-loads of respect when you speak Spanish, then you'll discover many more brilliant phrases just like these over on the Streetwise Spanish website - and don't miss out on your free weekly Spanish tips!

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